MGMT 4263 Quiz: Quiz 2 Notes

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Open systems exchange information, materials, and energy with their environments. As such, a system interacts with and is not isolated from its environment: 2) the organization is made up of interconnected parts (departments, locations, functions) All levels of management are connected and if you change one, it effects all levels. A system is a product of its interrelated and interdependent parts and represents a complex set of interrelationships rather than a chain of linear cause-effect relationships: 3) individuals within an organization have different perspectives of one system. Decision > change > outcome: what they think, 1) make your decision, 2) that decision will have side effects that influence your environment. Much more messy than a linear model. The 3 what to change models (see handouts from 1/31: 4) quinn"s competing values model describes organization as based on opposing values: flexibility versus control and external versus internal.