NS 2001 Study Guide - Final Guide: Lipophilicity, Lamellar Corpuscle, Proprioception

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19 Sep 2017

Document Summary

I: synaptic plasticity: signaling ranges, synaptic: neuron to neuron, paracrine: long-term signaling, secretion of chemical signals onto a group of nearby target cells, endocrine: secretion of hormones into bloodstream. Can affect targets throughout the entire body: types of signaling molecules, cell-impermeant: typically bind to receptors associated with cell membranes. These signals activate receptors on target cells only if they are directly adjacent to the signaling cell: kinases and phosphatases, definitions, protein kinases: phosphorylate proteins by adding a phosphate group. After the second messengers activate them: protein phosphatases: enzymes that remove the phosphate groups. Pka, pkc, camkii: protein kinase a (pka)= cyclic amp dependent. Usually a later effector (or a second messenger target). after camp is already produced. Dag causes pc to move from cytoplasm to the plasma membrane, where it can bind ca2+. Pkc then phosphorylates various protein substrates: camkii= calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type ii, calmodulin: ca2+ binding protein abundant in cytoplasm of cells.