PSC 151 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Elaboration Likelihood Model, Abnormal Psychology, Blood Test

104 views26 pages
16 Apr 2018

Document Summary

Chapter 1: social psychology (definition of, difference from philosophy, sociology, clinical, personality psychology) Social psychology : the way in which people"s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the real or imagined presence of other people. Social psychologists are interested in understanding how and why the social environment shapes the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of the individual. Difference from philosophy: is that philosophy is the study of knowledge, is more on reflection and does not rely too much on experiment. Social psychologists address many of the same questions as philosophers but scientifically. Difference from sociology : sociology focuses on the study of groups, organizations, and societies, rather than individuals. In social psychology is more of an individual and trying to understand their feelings/thoughts. Sociology: level of analysis is the individual context of a social situation. institutions. More concerned with social structure, and social groups organizations, and societies rather than individuals.