PUBHLTH 148 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Iceberg, Press Release, Transtheoretical Model

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Intended audience or key groups all groups the health communication intervention is seeking to engage in the communication process. Channels or communication channels the path selected by program planners to reach the intended audience with health communication messages and materials. Vulnerable populations includes groups who have a higher risk for poor physical, psychological, or social health in the absence of adequate conditions that are supportive of positive outcomes. Underserved populations includes geographical, ethnic, social, or community-specific groups who do. Communication vehicles a category that includes materials, events, activities, or other tools for delivering a message using communication channels. Social determinants of health different socially determined factors that affect health outcomes as well as influence and are influenced by health communication. Situation analysis planning term that describes the analysis of individual, social, political, environmental, community-specific, and behavior-related factors that can affect attitudes, behaviors, social norms, and policies about a health issue and its potential solutions.