BISC401 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gene Duplication, Plasmid, Recombinant Dna

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Recombination via unequal crossing over; based on where the l1 long interspersed elements are positioned will allow recombination. Unequal crossing due to repetitive dna is involved in gene duplication. Having multiple copies of this is not necessarily bad. Alu is a specific interspersed element: number of genes is not dramatically different across organisms. If you look at how they are distributed in functions, the difference is in how they are organized: can learn about our genome. Active ras promotes cell division; gtp switch via ras; ira is a gap, which turns off. Ras from telling the cells to grow; nf1 is a gene that encodes a protein to be a gap; defective nf1 could cause abnormally high ras signaling leading to excessive cell division and formation of tumors. Recombinant dna tech: dna vector + dna fragment recombinant dna replication of recombinant. Sense = mrna; complementary to sense is the anti-sense strand xiii.