PSYC100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Neuroglia, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Amygdala

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Chapter 14: psychological disorders: feelings like feeling down or anxiety, etc. , can be useful in helping prepare people for dealing with future events, motivating them to learn new ways of coping with challenges. Can cause difficulty falling and staying asleep; can impair attention span and concentration. Also causes bodily symptoms such as sweating, dry mouth, rapid pulse, shallow breathing, increased blood pressure, and increased muscular tension. People who have anxiety disorders also exhibit restless and pointless motor behaviors. The various anxiety disorders share some emotional, cognitive, somatic, and motor symptoms, even though the behavioral manifestations of these disorders are quite different. The pressure of anxiety itself does not signal a disorder; low and high anxiety decreases performance, medium anxiety increases performance. Chronic anxiety leads to the increase of bodily symptoms, likelihood of health problems, restless motor behavior, problems with memory and problem solving. Specific phobia: phobia is a fear of a specific object or situation.