MAN 3025 Study Guide - Final Guide: Learned Helplessness, Job Performance, Performance Appraisal

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Indicates how much people believe they control their fate through their own efforts. Individual values and attitudes affect individual"s behavior: attitudes (e. g. (for below) job satisfaction, predisposition (feeling or belief) towards a given object (people, events, etc. , as such, they are influences by values and by personality, 3 components, affective. I feel- feelings or emotions about a situation: i love my job (feelings, cognitive. I believe- beliefs and knowledge about a situation: my job is interesting (thoughts, behavioral. Job satisfaction is affected by level of income earned and by the type of job a worker does. Job satisfaction and productivity: the correlation between satisfaction and productivity is fairly strong, organizations with more satisfied employees are more effective than those with fewer satisfied employees. Job satisfaction and absenteeism: satisfied employees tend to have lower levels of absenteeism, although satisfied employees are bound to take company approved days off (e. g. sick days)