[ANSC 250] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 26 pages long Study Guide!

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What is a companion animal: provide company to humans, kept for pleasure rather than utility, receives personal attention, main benefits are non-commercial, pets , additional roles: guarding/protection, search/rescue, racing, hunting, etc. Human-animal bond: mutually beneficial and dynamic relationship b/w people & animals that"s influenced by behaviors that are essential to the health/well-being of both. Domestication & social history of companion animals: domestication (refers to a population of animals where traits are passed to offspring and changes in physical and behavioral traits, guns germs & steel by jarod diamond. We also often see physical variability (size, color, etc: not taming. Traits are not passed on to offspring: finding one animal and managing to tame it doesn"t mean tameness in its genes, functional domestication (morphological changes) When and where dogs: believed to come around 16,000 years ago, where is highly debated and currently unknown, how: Clutton-brock wolves as resources for food/fur, pups are a travel snack .