AOSS 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Geosynchronous Orbit, Mass Flow Rate, Centripetal Force

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We started with forces: gravity, normal force, friction, air resistance, thrust, centripetal, centrifugal, etc. Parameter: a quantity or characteristic that describes a physical object or system. Energy=1/2mv2: = mgh, = mc2, units in j. Vector: magnitude plus direction: velocity is a vector: has both speed and direction. Adding vectors: component addition, not magnitude addition, oppositely directed then just subtract, same direction then just add, perpendicularly directed makes original vector longer, but in a different direction. Earth diameter sun diameter distance from earth to sun solar system . 1 au: the average distance between the earth and the sun. Jupiter is about 5 au from the sun. It takes light 8 minutes to go 1 au. Cause physical and chemical changes in systems. Examples of forces: gravity, normal force, friction, air resistance, air pressure, electric and magnetic forces, thrust. *3 main types of forces: gravity, electromagnetic/weak and strong.