PSYCH 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dendrite, Cracking Joints, Neural Development

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PSYCH 100 Full Course Notes
PSYCH 100 Full Course Notes
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Overconfidence: people tend to be more confident than correct. Dissatisfaction with other theories: descriptive research: what is the nature of the phenomenon, case studies - examine one person in depth to understand human nature. Limitations: atypicality, limited generalizability, observational researchers observe people and systematically observe and record their behavior. 2. unobservable behavior: survey research : using questionnaires ask a large group of people report their behavior. Strength: can sample a portion of the population and it usually reflects an entire population trend. When you want to understand relationships between two things and be able to predict behaviors. Strength: can examine factors like race, sex, & age. Weaknesses: doesn"t prove causation, third variable problem. Ex: amount of murders in summer, amount of ice cream sales. You manipulate some event or variable so that people experience it one way or another; you look to see if there is a difference in behavior.