PSYCH 383 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Exposure Therapy

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Theory & practice of counseling & psychotherapy (psych 383) exam 3 study. Lecture slides (***relative emphasis on material covered in class) Prochaska & norcross (p&n) chapters 8-10; 16. Wedding & corsini (w&c) chapters 4-6, & 13 (***only material pertaining to central theoretical concepts) Video clips (***only material pertaining to central theoretical concepts) Understand the main tenets of exposure-based therapies learning theory; conceptualization of psychopathology; key therapeutic processes & principles. Gained popularity in 1970s with some waxing and waning of interest. Continued prominence in treating anxiety and trauma. Central notions of conditioning, anxiety/fear, avoidance, exposure, and extinction. Conditioned fear/anxiety response motivates avoidance of conditioned stimulus. Generalization- stimuli similar to conditioned stimulus elicit similar fear and, thus, more expansive avoidance. Freud"s neurotic paradox- failure of maladaptive anxiety to extinguish despite its self-defeating nature. Long term= learned behavior promotes even more avoidance and, thus, intensity of anxiety. Emotional processing theory- traumatic or feared experiences that go unprocessed remain pathologically represented in memory.