PSYCH 383 Study Guide - Final Guide: Psychotherapy Research, Therapeutic Relationship, Cultural Relativism

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Theory & practice of counseling & psychotherapy (psych 383) exam 4 study guide. Prochaska & norcross (p&n) chapters 14, 17, & 18. Wedding & corsini (w&c) chapter 14 (***only material pertaining to central theoretical concepts) Additional readings through 12/11 (***reminder: the norcross et al. , 2008, reading for the psychotherapy process research class is a statistics refresher for your reference; no exam items will derive from it) Most influential psychotherapy innovators were middle/upper-class, white heterosexuals. Psychotherapy is inescapably bound to cultural influences (one size doesn"t fit all) Changing demographics signal need for more multiculturally sensitive or determined therapies. Understand the 3 pathways to multicultural psychotherapy. Developing culture-specific therapies for each patient group. No uniformity myth either within or between cultures. Important to see both cultural connections and individuality in patients. Understand culturally relevant influences on and the nature of psychopathology. Stress and low self-esteem as a function of racial and ethnic discrimination.