PSY 311 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dependent And Independent Variables, Internal Validity, Content Validity

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The value of variables can vary from one entity to another. Characteristic of the situation or environment situational variables. Increases in one variable correspond with increase in another positive linear relationship. Increases in one variable correspond with decrease in another negative linear relationship. Direction of the relationship changes at one point curvilinear relationship. The variable causing the change (predictor): independent variable. Extent that the study sufficiently addresses the research question: internal validity. Extent that results generalize beyond the sample and research setting: external validity. Interview or questionnaires, people report their beliefs, behavior, history: self-report measures. Assessment of bodily state(fmri, pet), accurate and object, expensive: physiological measures. Difference between the true score and obtained score: measurement score. Give consistent measurement under the same condition: reliability. Same test is given twice: test retest reliability. Different forms of the same test used: parallel-form reliability. Top-half of questionnaire is compared to the bottom-half: split half reliability.