GERO 200- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 51 pages long!)

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13 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Physical abuse: use of force to inflict pain and injury. Neglect: caregiver"s failure to provide adequate care for an older person. Self-neglect: failure to provide for one"s own care. Violation of rights: not allowing to vote, intercepting mail. Reported among 3-6% of older adults; incidence is probably higher. Most elder abuse is done by family members (including caregivers) Can be reported by anyone, anonymously to aps. Battered parent syndrome: parents are attacked and abused by their own children. Risk factors for abusive caregiving: alcohol and drug abuse, cognitive impairment, economic stress, caregiver inexperience, history of family violence, economic dependence. Between 3-6% of community-dwelling elders have been abused. Improper use of an elder"s funds, property, or assets. Living with someone who is emotionally unstable. Older people are more at risk in institutions than at home due to their frailty and danger of caregiver retaliation. Over 30% of nursing home staff report having witnessed abuse.