BIO 121 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Neuromuscular Junction, Myocyte, Skeletal Muscle

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20 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Chapter 9-muscular tissue: list and briefly describe 3 types of muscle tissue. Cardiovascular muscle: pump blood through vessels, and hearth, rythmic. Smooth muscle: move food and nutrients through digestive trat, involuntary: list and briefly describe 4 basic muscle properties. Contractability: ability to shorten to produce movement (pull or tension) Extensability: ability to contract over a range of resiting length: list and briefly describe 5 functions of skeletal muscle. Regulate entering/exiting of material (voluntary control: list the general components of muscular tissue that are studied at the gross anatomy and microscopic anatomy levels. Gross anatomy: connective tissue, tendons, nerves and blood vessels. Miscroanatomy: muscle fiberssarcolemma, sarcoplasm, myofibrils, miofilaments, sarcomeres: list and briefly describe 3 layers of connective tissue found in muscles. Endomysium: around each muscle fiber: define tendons and aponeuroses. Tendons are collegin fibers that attach muscle to bone (thick cords), thick flattened sheets of tendons are aponerosis: generally define what a motor endplate is.