KIN 381 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Motivational Interviewing, Health Belief Model, Transtheoretical Model

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Kin 381 exam 2 review guide (spring 17) The readings (chapters 4-6) will certainly supplement the lectures, but the exam will cover what we went over in class. Chapter 4- theories and models ii: stimulus response theory. Limitations of stimulus-response theory: goofus/gallant importance of getting the right perspective, transtheoretical model. Constructs in model stages decisional balance self- efficacy/temptations processes of change (know 2 higher order factors) What happens as one moves through the stages of change. Criticisms and limitations: social ecological models. Benefits and limitations of approach: behavioral economics. Rider & elephant approach to understanding 2 systems. Standard economic model assumptions and violations understanding of paradox of costly choice removal. Group cohesion what is it how to enhance it. Group composition: co-exerciser/observer effects, effort, rpe societal influences, norms/stereotypes, 3 important people in social connectedness connector, maven, salesperson, health belief model. Chapter 6- physical activity interventions: four approaches, motivational interviewing definition/approach. Differences compared to advice giving: informational interventions.