ARCH 214bg Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Basilica, Open Library, Regency Architecture

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23 Jun 2015

Document Summary

King was powerful, head of both state and church (politics and religion) The rich was really rich, the poor was really poor. Aristocracy was very privileged led to the french revolution. Group of philosophers thought the best way to undercut the power of king was to put people under the influence of science way to understand the world instead of religion/church. Finding a way to access knowledge outside of the church. Hired a lot of people to help her feel poor. People have the right to overthrow a government/king if they are not satisfied or their rights are not at all protected/justified. Relationship between the ruler and the ruled. Rules apply to both rich and poor. Wrote speeches for human rights, civil liberties. Needed to record everything if you want to know everything about the world. Being able to record knowledge was a big deal at that time.