HDF 313 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Lev Vygotsky, Cultural-Historical Psychology, Egocentrism

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Cognitive Development: The Acquisition of Knowledge
The Construction of Cognition
Piaget’s stages Infancy Adolescence
o Sensorimotor
o Preoperational
Reasoning intuitive
4 characteristics of preoperational
Increasing abilities for symbolic thinking
centration preoperatioal childre center o oe piece of
information, cannot conserve
o Explanations are intuitive, not logical
o Focus on end or most salient aspect
o Can only hold 1 piece of information in mind at a time
o Concrete Operational
An operation an internalized set of actions allowing one to do mentally
what previously had been done physically
Reasoning logical
Decentration, conservation
Logic the ability to take relevant factors into account
Weight the importance of an array of information
Conservation of thought being able to hold more than one idea
in your mind at a time
o Formal Operational
Reasoning hypothetic deductive
Capable of abstract thought and can understand complex concepts
Criticisms of Piaget
o Valid sequences but individual rate
o Omission of social world
o Change is not abrupt
o Could be only a matter of brain development
Lev Vygotsky (1866-1934)
Sociocultural theory
o Cognition is dependent on social contact, relationships
o Language is crucial as the primary organizing mechanism of thinking
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Document Summary

The construction of cognition: piaget"s stages infancy adolescence, sensorimotor, preoperational, reasoning intuitive, 4 characteristics of preoperational, animism, egocentrism, centration preoperatio(cid:374)al childre(cid:374) (cid:862)center(cid:863) o(cid:374) o(cid:374)e piece of. Lev vygotsky (1866-1934: sociocultural theory, cognition is dependent on social contact, relationships, language is crucial as the primary organizing mechanism of thinking. The developmental process according to vygotsky: experience interpersonal communication, language organizes mental activity, develop private speech inner speech (knowledge, knowledge is scaffolded (intersubjectivity, withi(cid:374) the child"s (cid:862)zo(cid:374)e of pro(cid:454)i(cid:373)al develop(cid:373)e(cid:374)t(cid:863, progressing their cognition and mental abilities. Input sensory register: pay attention working or short term memory central executive, long term memory organized into a scheme or a script, output. Central executive: central executive part of working short term memory, direct flow of information, decides what to attend to, coordinates with other information, selects, supplies and monitors memory strategies used. Increased speed and capacity: more efficiency allows more complexity.