MAN 336 Midterm: What is Diversity

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29 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Di(cid:448)ersity is (cid:862)the (cid:449)ay i(cid:374) (cid:449)hich people are si(cid:373)ilar or differe(cid:374)t fro(cid:373) each other(cid:863) Class notes: diversity represents difference in individuals. Example includes culture diversity and gender diversity but it goes a lot deeper. Class notes: leads to more satisfied workforce because of different values and beliefs being brought to the table. Shareholders see company as being mindful and open so higher stock prices. Higher performance because workforce is happier which leads to higher profitability. The similarity-attraction phenomenon is the tendency to be more attracted to individuals who are similar to us. Deep level diversity: (1) values; (2) attitudes; (3) beliefs. Surface level diversity: (1) gender; (2) race; (3) age; (4) physical disabilities. A faultline is an attribute along which a group is split into subgroups. Stereotypes are generalizations about a particular group of people. For example: men are assertive and active while women are relationship- oriented and passive.