PSY 301- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 15 pages long!)

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4 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Evolutionary psychology: adaptivity: the likelihood that genes get passed on to later generations, parental investment theory: you invest certain characteristics in hope of it continuing through generations, jealousy in real-life. Lizard brain: the brainstem (breath, heartbeat, response, rest, sleep: evolution of the brain: has gotten better over time, prenatal development of the brain: as you grow older you"re brain increases surface area by getting wrinklier and wrinklier. Testosterone and the hpg axis: increases in situations of competition or when needing to take a risk. Cortisol and the hpa axis: stress hormone, primes your body to respond to stress or threat, part of the sympathetic response, gateway between body and the brain: hippocampus: center for memory. An extreme case: clive wearing only has a 30 second memory span, constantly lives in the present. Short term memory vs. long term memory still developing before you are 3 so you are unable to change short term memories to long term memories.