CHE-126 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Carcinogen, Drug Design, Ed50

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14 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Si unit for energy: si unit for energy is joule (j). Know what carcinogenic is: a carcinogen is any substance that has the potential to cause cancer in living tissues, carcinogen exposure can occur from the inhalation, ingestion, or absorption of many different types of substances into our bodies. Know how an anti-carcinogenic drug molecule works: sequence (a) is a four-step sequence to a cancerous result, anti-carcinogenic molecule b prevents further products at step ii. Immune systems are weakened as cancer is destroyed. 50: objective is high td50 (low toxicity) and low ed50. Know about artificial sweeteners versus natural sweeteners: artificial sweeteners replace carbohydrates: Sucralose: natural occurring super sweetener, stevia is a naturally occurring plant product many times sweeter than sugar, popular with proponents of holistic medicine. Know a(cid:271)out the strongest and weakest (cid:271)onds (cid:894)ioni(cid:272) is strongest et(cid:272)(cid:895) It is also highly addictive. doesn"t ha(cid:448)e addicti(cid:448)e properties.