BIOL 240 Final: Exam II Review.docx

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Gall fly injects bacteria into the goldenrod, which changes its dna and causes the plant to grow a tumor. The fly"s young grow inside of the tumor: mutualism (positive/positive, ex. Ants get food from the plant and the plant gets protection from the ant from predators: amensalism (negative/no benefit, commensalism (positive/no benefit) Life tables: summary of how many individuals from a generation die at successive ages. Includes survivorship, fecundity, mortality, and how these things vary. There are 2 types: cohort follows a group from birth to death, static looks at one period of time (juvenile, adult, etc. ) Part of the fecundity schedule in a life table: when r0 = 1, birth and death rates are equal. Tells the birth and death rates of a population and whether the population is increasing or decreasing. The time it takes from birth to when an organism can reproduce.