GEOL 103 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Maximum Sustainable Yield, Nuclear Fission, Blank Page

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Geology 103 environmental geology midterm 2 answers. Student name: ____ answers & comments are given in italics __________ This exam has 5 pages of questions and 1 blank page for writing answers. Part i - true or false (indicate which of the following statements are true, and which. The carrying capacity is the maximum number of individuals of a species that live in a given ecosystem. The maximum sustainable yield is the number of individuals you can harvest each year. Extrinsic values include things economic value or recreational value, and these are weighted heavily: false: high tech societies, like the u. s. and western europe, typically consume about 3 times as much energy per capita as agricultural societies. All of this statement is true, except that waterborne disease has not been totally eliminated. 2 attack, which led to a loss of cooling fluid and a near-meltdown of the reactor core.