PBRL 270 Midterm: Complete Exam 3 Study Guide for PR

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29 Oct 2014

Document Summary

*plain folk: show humble beginnings & empathy with the average citizen. *card stacking: selection of facts to build an overwhelming case on one side of the issue, while concealing the other side. *transfer: associating the person, product, or organization with something that has high status, visibility, or credibility. *propaganda: deliberate & systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, & direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist. *phases that an audience moves through (interest, evaluation ) *source credibility: the message is more believable to audience if source has credibility (ethos) *opinion leaders: people who are knowledgeable & articulate about specific issues. *third-party endorsements: favorable statements by experts; usually unpaid. Defensive: (1) attack the accuser= party that claims crisis is confronted (2) denial= organization says there"s no crisis (3) excuse= organization minimizes its responsibility for crisis.