PBRL 270 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Whistle Rymes, Sound Bite, Web 2.0

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29 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Definition of propaganda-the deliberate and systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist. Plain folks showing humble beginnings and empathy with the average citizen. Testimonial a well known person gives testimony about product or issue. Card stacking-- only gives one side of the issue; example: ad industry says a ban on beer advertising would lead to enormous reductions in network sports programming. Transfer-- associating person, product or organization with something with a high status; example: sponsoring the olympics. Glittering generalities technique of associating a cause, product or idea with favorable abstractions such as freedom, justice, democracy and the american way. Source credibility the message is more believable to the intended audience if the source has credibility. Charisma: is the individual attractive, self-assured, and articulate, projecting an image of.