PSYC 480 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Washing Machine, Matching Law, Reinforcement

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Instrumental behavior: behavior that occurs because it was instrumental in producing certain consequences. Law of effect: states that if a response in the presence of a stimulus is followed by a satisfying event (appetitive stimulus), the association btw. the stimulus (s) and the response (r) is strengthened. If the response is followed by an annoying event (aversive stimulus), the s-r association is weakened. According to the law of effect, animals learn an association btw. the response and the stimuli present at the time of the response. (involves s-r learning) Latency: time it takes the animal to leave the start box and begin moving down the alley. Free-operant: these procedures allow the animal to repeat the instrumental response over and over again without constraint. Provide opportunity to observe changes in the likelihood of behavior over time. Shaping: involves 2 complementary tactics reinforcement of successive approximations to the required response and nonreinforcement of earlier response forms.