SOCI 431 Study Guide - Final Guide: Centrifugal Force, Structural Analysis, Consumerism

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Messages that go without saying that reinforce the dominant values of the culture. These messages don"t raise questions or inspire critical thinking: structural analysis attempting to define and classify the features common to all semiotic systems, taxonomy, denotative sign system, a signifier, signified, and sign that together form a meaning. Incorporates the sign of an initial system which becomes the signifier of the second system; second order transition : connotative sign system. ***the signifier (1) of the denotative sign system is the image of a yellow ribbon that forms in the mind of the person who hears the 1972 song. The corresponding denotative sign (3) is forgiveness of a stigma. ***current usage takes over the sign of the denotative system and makes it the signifier (i) of a secondary (connotative) system. The welcome-home yellow ribbon is paired with the mythic content of a signified (ii) that shouts to the world,