ZOOLOGY 470 Study Guide - Integrin, Polyspermy, Zp3

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Study guide for exam 1 zoology 470 2009. You can expect a good chunk of the exam to be short answer questions (i. e. , 1-2 sentence response). Other types of questions, including identification, multiple choice, matching, and true/false, will also be present, but don"t count on them being the largest portion of the exam. In addition, there has been an emphasis in class on experiments and what they tell us about mechanisms of early development. These are really important, and you should understand them thoroughly. The text should be used to reinforce in-class material. Your best study hints will come from last year"s exam. Remember that it"s on the course web site. Be sure you are familiar enough with the big ideas to provide definitions (e. g. differentiation, morphogenesis). Be able to cite examples of each, and be able to describe an experiment that could used to test the state of specification of a cell or tissue using classical techniques.