JS-1111 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Kuwait

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European meaning of state: ater the cold war: conlict expanded to non-western naions. Resuling in non- western naions contribuing to the shaping of history. Why will civilizations clash: diferences between civilizaions are basic and real. Interacions between civilizaion will enhance the level of recogniion and realizaion of diferences, thus conlict: economic growth weakens the strength of naion ideniicaion. Religion ill sthat gap with fundamentalism: return to the roots by non-western civilizaion. 5: economic regionalism: only in a common civilizaion. East and south orthodox or muslim and lightly touched by events in europe. Conlict between islam and the black african in the south. Conlict between islam and prthodox chrisianity in the north. There is conlict between america and europe, but does not have the same poliical salience since the diferences are not major. The fault lines in eurasia: islam has bloody borders. Bosnian muslim, and serbs: russian fought with the serbs. While, muslim and chrisian fought in the former.