POLI 227 Chapter Notes -Trade Bloc, Liberal Democracy, Nationstates
Document Summary
Source of conflict is primarily cultural and not economic or ideological. Conflict between the different groups of different civilizations. The clash of civilization will dominate global politics. Following the russian revolution, conflicts of nations turned into conflicts of ideologies. (communism, fascism-nazism, liberal democracy. ) Conflicts between princes, nation-states and ideologies were primarily conflicts within the western civilization. After the cold war, conflicts moved between western civilizations and non-western civilizations. During cold war: first, second and third worlds. More relevant to group countries in terms of culture and civilization rather than political and economic systems. Cultural heterogeneity between villages, regions, ethnic groups, nationalities and religions. Highest cultural grouping, defined by common elements such as language, history, religion, customs, institutions and by subjective self-identification of people. Arabs, chinese and westerners aren"t include in a broad cultural entity. China: a civilization pretending to be a state. The major civilizations that will shape global politics: western, confucian, japanese,