PSY-PC 1250 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Parenting Styles, Lead Poisoning, Asthma

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Chapter 10: know the key terms, describe baumrind"s parenting styles and the associated patterns of children"s behavior. Authoritative parents encourage children to be independent but still take care of them. They punish through explanations and making sure that the child understand what he or she did wrong. Children are more likely to explore and be self-reliant and self-controlled because their parents taught them what was okay and what wasn"t. Authoritarian parents only punish and do not do much explaining. Try to control every aspect of the child"s life. Tend to lean towards physical punishment, lack warmth and responsiveness, stress obedience. Kids tend to lack social competence and withdraw from social contact. They aren"t very spontaneous and often seek others for moral guidance. Permissive parents are either neglectful or let the kid do whatever they want. Give specific examples from studies cited in the text and compare and contrast these different styles.