ANTH 102 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hominidae, Dentition, Common Descent

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20 Apr 2018

Document Summary

Anthropologists do fieldwork to gather data in order to frame bias-free hypotheses. From an historical perspective we looked at predecessors of darwin and wallace. Linnaeus: classification of all living things taxonomy- and specifically humans place in the animal kingdom and hominid family. Be sure you know the basic human taxonomy we discussed in class. Darwinian natural selection there exists a struggle for existence, in nature some traits are better adapted to a particular environment, individuals with well adapted traits will survive to reproduce and pass on those traits. Combined natural selection with an understanding of modern genetics to gain a full picture of modern evolutionary theory. The production and redistribution of variation and the impacts of mutation, gene flow, genetic drift, selective mating, unequal fertility, etc. How natural selection works on that variation = evolution. Interaction between biology and culture as evidenced in assignment #1. Formation of new species and the effect of isolating mechanisms.