ANTH 102 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Green Leaves, Fovea Centralis, Depth Perception

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23 Apr 2018

Document Summary

Color is characteristic of anthropoids (monkeys, apes and humans) Body color pattern is trick to tell if animal can see in color. Travel though trees demands judgement concerning depth, direction, distance, and the spatial relationship between objects such as vines or branches. Humans achieved this through binocular stereoscopic color vision- Binocular stereoscopic color vision- the ability to see the world in three dimensions of height width and depth. Binocular vision- in which two eyes sit next to each other on the same plane so that their visual fields overlap. Also characteristic of stereoscopic- nerve connections run from each eye to both sides of the brain completes depth perception. This allows nerve cells to integrate the images derived from each eye. Increased brain size in the visual area in primates and a greater complexity at nerve connections also contributes to stereoscopic. Often nocturnal primates like the promimian lack color vision. Monkeys humans and apes possess both color and stereoscopic vision.