ANTH 102 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Stereopsis, Clavicle, Brachiation

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23 Apr 2018

Document Summary

Characteristics of the order primata: grasping hands and feet (claws replaced by nails, tactile pads, reduced sense of smell (reduced olfactory region in brain, nasal structures, acute vision (stereoscopic vision, some see in color, flexible shoulder girdle. Snout or muzzle portion of skull reduces in size the more they rely on their vision. Smaller snout interferes less with stereoscopic vision and enables eyes to take a frontal position. As a result primates have flatter faces than other mammals. Apes have broad clavicles (collarbone) that orient arms at the side rather than at the front of the body. Clavicle in apes also supports the scapula (shoulder blade) and muscles required for flexible yet powerful movements. Permits large bodied apes to move though brachiation (swinging from tree to tree) Structural characteristic of primate hadn and food make them excellent prehensile (graspers) for moving branch to branch, Big toe is fully opposable to other digits (except humans) and thumb opposable.