CHEM 271 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis, Affinity Chromatography, Gel Electrophoresis

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16 Apr 2016

Document Summary

The proteome is the funcional representaion of the genome. The proteome derived from proteins expressed by the genome of an organism signiies a more complex level of informaion content, encompassing the types of funcions, and interacions of proteins within is biological environment. The puriicaion of proteins is an essenial first step is understanding their funcion. To monitor the success of a puriicaion, the biochemist needs a test, called an assay, for some unique idenifying property of the protein. You can measure absorbed light during a reacion because certain molecules absorb certain wavelengths and others do not. Proteins must be released from the cell to be puriied. A homogenate is formed by disruping the cell membrane, and the mixture is fracionated by centrifugaion, yielding a dense pellet of heavy material at the botom of the centrifuge tube and a lighter supernatant above. The supernatant is the centrifuged at a greater force to yield yet another pellet and supernatant.