ECON 295 Chapter Notes - Chapter 35: Canadian Dollar, Gdp Deflator, Purchasing Power Parity
Document Summary
Chapter 35: exchange rates and the balance of payments. The current account: records payments & receipts arising from international trade in goods & servs, trade account, capital-service account, debit item payment of money from canada, credit item receipt of money for canada. The capital account: records payments & receipts arising from trade in lt & st assets, foreign direct investment (fdi, portfolio investment, debit item purchase of assets by canada, credit item sale of assets by canada. The balance of payments must balance: let ca be the current account, & ka be the capital account balance: Includes purchases of foreign currency by the government or central bank (cid:2158)(cid:2194)(cid:2196)(cid:2187) (cid:2197)(cid:2188) (cid:2195)(cid:2187)(cid:2196)(cid:2202)(cid:2201)=(cid:2159)(cid:2157)+(cid:2157): consider a ca surplus: The extra earnings must be used to acquire foreign assets. Ka deficit (capital outflow: consider a ca deficit: The extra purchases can only be financed if we sell assets to foreigners.