HLTHAGE 1BB3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 2&7: Ageism, Activity Theory, Disengagement Theory

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Gerontologists generally place changes in old age into one of three categories: age effects due to physical decline. These changes appear with the passage of time: cohort effects related to the time of the person"s birth. A cohort refers to a group of people born around the same time. People born in a certain cohort often share a common background and experience of the world: period or environmental effects due to the time of measurement. Includes social or historical effects on measurement such as an ongoing war, changes in health habits or changes in health care policies. Age grade is a period of life defined by society, such as childhood, young adulthood, or third age (used by age stratification theory) Gerontologists use a number of research designs to look at these three effects in their attempts to understand change in later life. Studies people from many age groups at one point in time.

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