SOCI 1000 Chapter Notes - Chapter 8: Interculturalism, Cultural Relativism, Social Group

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Have historically specific signification: mean different things to different people at different times. Not constant or monolithic concepts: dynamic social relations in flux. Ethnic groups share similar cultural characteristics: language, religion, customers, history, etc. Race people"s assu(cid:373)ed (cid:271)(cid:455) so(cid:272)iall(cid:455) sig(cid:374)ifi(cid:272)a(cid:374)t ph(cid:455)si(cid:272)al o(cid:396) ge(cid:374)eti(cid:272) (cid:272)ha(cid:396)a(cid:272)te(cid:396)isti(cid:272)s. Emile durkheim: collective consciousness primary source of identity formation. Leads to a feeli(cid:374)g of (cid:862)us(cid:863) (cid:448)s. (cid:862)the(cid:373)(cid:863) Important in social group formation, reproduction, and maintenance. To p(cid:396)efe(cid:396) (cid:862)thei(cid:396) o(cid:449)(cid:374)(cid:863) ki(cid:374)d o(cid:448)e(cid:396) othe(cid:396)s. Led members to differentiate between themselves and others. Max weber: social group formation associated with practices of inclusion/exclusion. Economic, political, and social processes and practices, often institutionalized, where members of the in-group have access to the valuable resources while other do not. Racialization: sets of social processes and practices through which social relations among people are structured. Social labelling: creates hierarchical social dichotomies by the attribution of negative intellectual, moral, and behavioural characteristics to subordinate populations and attribution of positive characteristics to dominant groups.

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