GMS 401 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Light Pen, Remanufacturing, Mass Customization

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Product design determining the form and function of the product, products are redesigned to rejuvenate demand and to take advantage of new technology. There are four elements that successful organizations include when creating new goods and services and delivering them to the consumers. They are the product approval committee, core teams, phase reviews and structured development process. Product approval committee consists of top management and oversees and directs the design/developmental activities. It is also responsible for authorizing new products, reviewing their progress at certain stages of production, allocating resources across different projects, and ensuring consistency between company strategy and design/development projects. Core teams cross functional teams empowered to plan and lead the design/developmental projects from idea to commercialization. This involves resoling issues and conflicts, making trade-off decisions, and directing other support staff. Core teams usually consist of a product manager, product designer and a manufacturing/operations representative. The team is expanded during each phase of design.