ANSC 2340 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Carpal Bones, Cranial Cavity, Transverse Plane

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Basic concepts of animal structure | pages 1-10. Disease and death often result from the absence of normal body structure and functioning. Anatomy form and structure of the body and its parts, what it looks like, where it is. Physiology functions of the body and its parts, how things work, what they do. Microscopic anatomy structures so small we need a microscope to see them. Macroscopic anatomy (gross anatomy) body parts large enough to be seen with normal eyes. Regional anatomy individual regions of the body. Systemic anatomy individual systems of the body. Sagittal plane runs the length of the body and divides it into left and right parts, not always equal halves. Median plane kind of sagittal plane, runs down center of body lengthwise and divides it into equal left and right halves. Transverse plane across the body that divides it into cranial (head) and caudal (tail) parts, not always equal.

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