SOAN 3070 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Emergence, Ethnography, Logical Positivism

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Qualitative research, thus, refers to the meanings, concepts, definitions, characteristics, metaphors, symbols, and descriptions of things. Certain experiences cannot be meaningfully expressed by numbers. Furthermore, such things as smells can trigger memories long obscured by the continuing demands of life. Qualitative research strategies provide perspectives that can prompt recall of these common or half-forgotten sights, sounds, and smells. The meanings that we give to events and things come from their qualities. To understand our lives, we need qualitative research. Qualitative researchers need to be more precise, more careful in their definitions and procedures, and clearer in their writing than most other scientists. Various qualitative research strategies, design development, data organization and presentation, and analysis procedures. seven primary ways to collect qualitative data: interviewing, focus groups, ethnography, sociometry, unobtrusive measures, historiography, and case studies. Triangulation is a term originally more common in surveying activities, map making, navigation, and military practices.

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