SOC 1100 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: George Herbert Mead, Feminist Sociology, Raymond Breton

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Studying sociology=why we behave the way we do. Society around us influences how we act and even what we think and how we feel. Wisdom of sociology is that society guides our actions and shapes our values. Sociologists=understand and predict the behaviour of individuals, groups and people. The decisions people make are not free will . Sociology teaches us that the social world guides all our life choices. Sociology is an invitation to learn new ways of learning at the world around us. Seeing the general in the particular (peter berger) By this he meant that sociologists identify general social patterns in the behaviour of particular individuals. Society acts differently on various categories of people (eg. children compared to adults, women vs men, rich vs poor) Sociological perspective: seeing the general in the particular. Giving up the idea that human behaviour is simply a matter of what people decide to do (so many different choices and how we behaviour)

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