BIO 3122 Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: Quantitative Trait Locus, Phenotypic Plasticity, Phenotypic Trait

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7. 1 genetics of quantitative traits: quantitative genetics = the study continuous phenotypic traits and their underlying evol mechs, variance = a statistical measure of the dispersion of trait values about their mean. Snowshoe hares change coat color to match their background. This annual change is the result of phenotypic plasticity, not evol. Phenotypic changes occurring w/i the lifetime of an indivs are not evol: evol occurs only when the freq of alleles w/i a popn change from one gen to the next. Box 7. 3 why is the slope of an offspring-parent regression equal to the narrow sense heritability, h2: because the offspring parent regression depicts the strength of selection (s on x-axis) and the response to selection (r on y-axis) Slope = a = r/s; r = h2xs so a = h2: evol response will be large if narrow sense heritability is large and v. v.