ANT203H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 15: Northeast Asia, Sickle-Cell Disease, Hemoglobin A
Document Summary
Humans did not stop evolving once they reached the status of anatomically modern humans. As we developed agriculture and grew dramatically in size, we changed our interactions with the environment, which ahs led to a number of genetic changes in human populations. Human populations are constantly interacting with each other, and we are interested in the genetic effects of such events. When columbus arrived in the new world, he thought he has succeeded in reaching the. Native americans were seen as one of the lost tribes of israel. Some argued that asia was the place of origin for native americans, and the dominant view since then has been that asians moved into the americas across the berling land. This land bridge did not appear or disappear suddenly, but developed slowly over thousands of years as sea levels dropped. The genetic evidence for an asian origin: studies of genetic markers and dna analysis consistently found that native.