CLA204H5 Chapter 19: Classical Myth Reading Notes chapter 19
Document Summary
Chapter 19- jason and the myths of iolcus and calydon pages 482-516. Thessaly- the widest plain in greece, best known as the birthplace of achilles. Homer"s odyssey composed in 8th century bc refers to the voyage of the argonauts as an already familiar tale. Most important versions are the apollonius of rhodes (3rd century bc) Prelude to the argonautica: phrixus, hell and the golden fleece. Jason belonged to the family of the aeolids descendants of aeolus, king of magnesia in. The ram had been offered on an altar to please apollo (rumour has it that athma""s wife made him do it out of jealousy) Salmoneus brother of athamas had daughter tyro who gave birth to pelias who was arrogant and intolerant. Aeson (half-brother pelias) had jason who was raised to manhood by civilized centaur. A man with one sandal would be the demise of aeson.