SOC100H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Interpersonal Communication, Solidarity, Scientific Revolution
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Sociological maps: c. wright mills; allows us to grasp the interplay of [people] and society of biography and history. Sociology: the systematic study of human behaviour in social context. Chapters goals: sociology has power to dispel foggy assumption and to help see operation of social world more clearly (e. g. Suicide, not breakdown of individual functioning but influenced by social relations also: sociological research designed to improve the world, sociology uses scientific methods to test their ideas, increasing its validity, sociology helps people understand their current world. Suicide: antisocial and non-social act: everyone in society condemns it, committed in private, comparatively rare; 11 suicides for every 100,000 canadians annually. Emile durkheim, pioneer of sociology, claimed sociology is strongly influenced by social forces. He examined rates of suicide and rate of psychological disorder for different groups. Argued that suicide rates varied as a result of differences in the degree of social solidarity in different categories of the population.