SOC100H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 8: G1 Phase, Fallon Fox, Genital Modification And Mutilation
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Sex: depends on whether you were born with male or female genitals and a geneic program that released male or female hormones to simulate development of your reproducive system o. Gender: refers to culturally and socially constructed diferences between females and males found in the meanings, beliefs, and pracices associated with femininity and masculinity o o. Sociological believe being make or female has to do with feelings, aitude and behaviour, typically being associated with being male or female. Gender idenity: ideniicaion with or sense of belonging to paricular sex- psychologically, socially, and socially. When one behaves in a way expected by how a male or female should act, you adapt gender roles. School of thought that views gender diference as relecion of biological diferences between men and women. The goal to ensure that their genes are passed on to future o o. Claim that tradiional gender roles help integrate society.