BIOA02H3 Chapter 34: chapter 34

BIOA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Eudicots: broad leaved flowering plants such as soybeans, roses and sunflowers. Both these organisms, all organs are organized in two systems. Shoot system: the aerial parts of a vascular plant, consisting of the leaves, stems, and flowers. Blade: thin, flat structure attached to the stem. Nodes: points of attachment of leaf to stem. Root system: anchors plant in place and provides nutrition; high surface to volume ratio of roots allow them to absorb water and mineral nutrients from the soil; two typical types of root systems. Taproot system: single, large, deep growing primary root accompanied by less prominent lateral roots. all roughly equal in diameter. Fibrous root system: composed of numerous thin roots that are. Tissue systems: adventitious roots are roots that arise above the ground. Tissue: an organized group of cells that have features in common and that work together as structural and functional units. Vascular tissue system: the plant"s plumbing or transport system.