BIOD27H3 Chapter 10: BGYB30 Chapter 10 textbook notes

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18 Feb 2011

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Somatic senses: body include touch, temperature, ph, itch, proprioception (the awareness of movement and position in space mediated by sensory receptors in muscles and joints) All sensory pathways begin with a physical stimulus that acts on a receptor. The receptor acts as a transducer and converts the stimulus to an intracellular signal. If it is above the threshold, it is transferred to the cns where it is integrated either consciously or unconsciously. The most basic, simplest receptor is the neuron with naked (free) nerve endings (i. e. somatosensory receptors). In the complex ones, the nerve endings are encased in connective tissue. The most complex type of sensory receptor is that of the special senses. All of them except for smell use non-neuronal receptor cells that synapse onto secondary neurons (smell goes straight to the brain through one of the cranial nerves) When activated, they release neurotransmitters that initiate action potentials that send www. notesolution. com information to the brain.

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