EESA06H3 Chapter 1: book notes for chapter 1

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18 Jan 2011

Document Summary

Chapter 1: introduction to physical geology and the environment. What is geology: geology: the study of the earth, william smith: father of english geology, william logan: first to systematically describe the geology of canada. Alfred wegener: wrote about continental drift; the movement of continents on the earth"s surface: pangea: today"s continents had previously been clustered together in a large land mass but had subsequently moved apart, northern pangea: laurasia, southern pangea: gondwana. Tuzo wilson: developed plate tectonics theory: mid-oceanic ridge: a giant mountain range that lies under the ocean. The earth is estimated to be at least 4. 55 billion years old. Environmental geoscientists deal with environmental problems like managing drinking water and dealing with radioactive wastes. Select a methodology: to collect data in order to help solve problem. Analyze and interpret the information: can use maps or computer graphics to come up with a solution: hypothesis: a theoretical explanation (may use multiple hypotheses).

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